
HALathon 2021 UPPA

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# Année Titre Revue Lien éditeur / doi Notice HAL
1 2014 Ergodic and weighted pseudo-almost periodic solutions for partial functional differential equations in fading memory spaces Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 10.1007/s12190-013-0686-9 hal-00846883
2 2012 Center manifolds for some partial functional differential equations with infinite delay in fading memory spaces Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics hal-00763166
3 2012 On the stability of hematopoietic model with feedback control Comptes Rendus Mathématique 10.1016/j.crma.2012.01.014 hal-00763154
4 2011 Improved limits on β+EC and ECEC processes in Sn112 Physical Review C 10.1103/PhysRevC.83.045503 in2p3-00605516
5 2010 Asymptotic behavior and stability switch for a mature-immature model of cell differentiation Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 10.1016/j.nonrwa.2009.11.001 hal-00542644
6 2008 Energy resolution of plastic scintillation detector for beta rays IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 10.1109/TNS.2008.2005718 in2p3-00374161
7 2007 Energy resolution of plastic scintillation counters for beta rays ieee 10.1109/NSSMIC.2007.4437257 in2p3-00330659
8 2002 Gamma-ray flux in the Frejus underground laboratory measured with NaI detector Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment in2p3-00019831
9 2002 Monte-carlo study of different concepts for the atlas experiment forward region shielding Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment in2p3-00022323
10 2001 Influence of neutrons and $\gamma$-rays in the Frejus underground laboratory on the NEMO experiment Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment in2p3-00018889
11 2001 Limits on different majoron decay modes of $^{100}$Mo, $^{116}$Cd, $^{82}$Se and $^{96}$Zr for neutrinoless double beta decays in the NEMO-2 experiment Particles and Nuclei, Letters in2p3-00019985
12 2000 Limits on different Majoron decay modes of $^{100}$Mo, $^{116}$Cd, $^{82}$Se and $^{96}$Zr for neutrinoless double beta decays in the NEMO-2 experiment Nuclear Physics A in2p3-00017744
13 2000 Monte-Carlo simulations of neutron shielding for the ATLAS forward region Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment in2p3-00022453
14 1999 Testing the Pauli exclusion principle with the NEMO-2 detector European Physical Journal A in2p3-00007704
15 1999 Double beta decay of $^{96}$Zr Nuclear Physics A in2p3-00009756
16 1998 Double-beta decay of $^{82}$Se Nuclear Physics A in2p3-00005055

Références complètes

  1. Mostafa Adimy, Khalil Ezzinbi, Catherine Marquet. Ergodic and weighted pseudo-almost periodic solutions for partial functional differential equations in fading memory spaces. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Springer, 2014, 44 (1-2), pp.19. ⟨10.1007/s12190-013-0686-9⟩. ⟨hal-00846883⟩
  2. Mostafa Adimy, Khalil Ezzinbi, Catherine Marquet. Center manifolds for some partial functional differential equations with infinite delay in fading memory spaces. Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics, Eudoxus Press, 2012, 10 (3-4), pp.168-185. ⟨hal-00763166⟩
  3. Mostafa Adimy, Catherine Marquet. On the stability of hematopoietic model with feedback control. Comptes Rendus Mathématique, Elsevier Masson, 2012, 350 (3-4), pp.173-176. ⟨10.1016/j.crma.2012.01.014⟩. ⟨hal-00763154⟩
  4. A.S. Barabash, P. Hubert, Catherine Marquet, A. Nachab, S. I. Konovalov, et al.. Improved limits on β+EC and ECEC processes in Sn112. Physical Review C, American Physical Society, 2011, 83, pp.045503. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevC.83.045503⟩. ⟨in2p3-00605516⟩
  5. Mostafa Adimy, Fabien Crauste, Catherine Marquet. Asymptotic behavior and stability switch for a mature-immature model of cell differentiation. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Elsevier, 2010, 11 (4), pp.2913-2929. ⟨10.1016/j.nonrwa.2009.11.001⟩. ⟨hal-00542644⟩
  6. H.H. Vo, S. Kanamaru, Catherine Marquet, H. Nakamura, M. Nomachi, et al.. Energy resolution of plastic scintillation detector for beta rays. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2008, 55, pp.3717-3724. ⟨10.1109/TNS.2008.2005718⟩. ⟨in2p3-00374161⟩
  7. H.H. Vo, S. Kanamaru, Catherine Marquet, H. Nakamura, N. Nomachi, et al.. Energy resolution of plastic scintillation counters for beta rays. ieee, 2007, 2, pp.1378-1385. ⟨10.1109/NSSMIC.2007.4437257⟩. ⟨in2p3-00330659⟩
  8. H. Ohsumi, R. Gurriaran, P. Hubert, R. Arnold, C. Augier, et al.. Gamma-ray flux in the Frejus underground laboratory measured with NaI detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Elsevier, 2002, 482, pp.832-839. ⟨in2p3-00019831⟩
  9. I. Stekl, I. Bedajanek, R. Eschbach, V.E. Kovalenko, C. Leroy, et al.. Monte-carlo study of different concepts for the atlas experiment forward region shielding. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Elsevier, 2002, 493, pp.199-207. ⟨in2p3-00022323⟩
  10. Catherine Marquet, F. Piquemal, R. Arnold, C. Augier, J. Baker, et al.. Influence of neutrons and $\gamma$-rays in the Frejus underground laboratory on the NEMO experiment. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Elsevier, 2001, 457, pp.487-498. ⟨in2p3-00018889⟩
  11. V. Vasilev, R. Arnold, C. Augier, J. Baker, A. Barabash, et al.. Limits on different majoron decay modes of $^{100}$Mo, $^{116}$Cd, $^{82}$Se and $^{96}$Zr for neutrinoless double beta decays in the NEMO-2 experiment. Particles and Nuclei, Letters, 2001, 108, pp.68-79. ⟨in2p3-00019985⟩
  12. R. Arnold, C. Augier, J. Baker, A. Barabash, D. Blum, et al.. Limits on different Majoron decay modes of $^{100}$Mo, $^{116}$Cd, $^{82}$Se and $^{96}$Zr for neutrinoless double beta decays in the NEMO-2 experiment. Nuclear Physics A, Elsevier, 2000, 678, pp.341-352. ⟨in2p3-00017744⟩
  13. I. Stekl, S. Pospisil, V.E. Kovalenko, V. Vorobel, C. Leroy, et al.. Monte-Carlo simulations of neutron shielding for the ATLAS forward region. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Elsevier, 2000, 452, pp.458-469. ⟨in2p3-00022453⟩
  14. R. Arnold, C. Augier, J. Baker, A. Barabash, D. Blum, et al.. Testing the Pauli exclusion principle with the NEMO-2 detector. European Physical Journal A, EDP Sciences, 1999, 6, pp.361-366. ⟨in2p3-00007704⟩
  15. R. Arnold, C. Augier, J. Baker, A. Barabash, D. Blum, et al.. Double beta decay of $^{96}$Zr. Nuclear Physics A, Elsevier, 1999, 658, pp.299-312. ⟨in2p3-00009756⟩
  16. R. Arnold, C. Augier, J. Baker, A. Barabash, D. Blum, et al.. Double-beta decay of $^{82}$Se. Nuclear Physics A, Elsevier, 1998, 636, pp.209-223. ⟨in2p3-00005055⟩