
HALathon 2021 UPPA

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Types HAL OUV Ouvrage (y compris édition critique et traduction)
COUV Chapitre d'ouvrage
DOUV Direction d'ouvrage, Proceedings, Dossier
ART Article [avec commité de lecture = non]
OTHER Autre publication
# Type Année Titre doi Notice HAL
1 COUV 2003 Information Modelling within a Net-Learning Environment hal-01907090
2 OUV 2002 An Attempt to Design an Information System Supporting Collaborative Problem-Based Learning Situations hal-01913222

Références complètes

  1. Christian Sallaberry, Thierry Nodenot, Christophe Marquesuzaà, Marie-Noelle Bessagnet, Pierre Laforcade. Information Modelling within a Net-Learning Environment. Jaakkola, H. and Kangassalo, H. and Kawaguchi, E. and Thalheim, B. Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases Xiv, 94, I O S Press, pp.207-222, 2003, 978-1-58603-318-7. ⟨hal-01907090⟩
  2. Christian Sallaberry, Thierry Nodenot, Christophe Marquesuzaà, Marie-Noelle Bessagnet, Pierre Laforcade. An Attempt to Design an Information System Supporting Collaborative Problem-Based Learning Situations. Callaos, N. and Breda, A. and Jurado, F. M. Y. Int Inst Informatics & Systemics, 2002. ⟨hal-01913222⟩