
HALathon 2021 UPPA

Autres publications que vous pouvez déposer

Types HAL OUV Ouvrage (y compris édition critique et traduction)
COUV Chapitre d'ouvrage
DOUV Direction d'ouvrage, Proceedings, Dossier
ART Article [avec commité de lecture = non]
OTHER Autre publication
# Type Année Titre doi Notice HAL
1 ART 1998 Speciation analysis for biomolecular complexes of lead in wine by size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry hal-02690501
2 COUV 2016 Biological selenium species and selenium speciation in biological samples hal-01529886
3 COUV 2008 Analytical techniques for speciation of selenium in food and food supplements: State-of-the-art hal-01529901
4 OUV 2015 Focus on Determination of Selenocysteine and Selenomethionine in Foodstuffs of Animal Origin by 2D Size-Exclusion Reversed-Phase HPLC-ICP-MS 10.1039/9781782622215-00126 hal-01505921
5 OUV 2003 Sample preparation for speciation analysis for metallobiomolecules hal-01560737
6 OUV 2000 Chapter 2 Sample preparation techniques for elemental speciation studies hal-01559777
7 OUV 1995 Speciation analysis of organolead compounds. Status and future prospects hal-01559753
8 PATENT 2006 Nebulizer with nanometric flow rate of a liquid effluent and nebulizing installation comprising same hal-02095490
9 POSTER 1999 Chelation du plomb présent dans le vin par les dimères de rhamnogalacturonane II, un polysaccharide pectique du raisin hal-02842059
10 POSTER 1998 The interaction of the pectic polysaccharide Rhamnogalacturonan II with heavy metals and lanthanides hal-02840135

Références complètes

  1. Katarzyna Bierla, J. Szpunar, Ryszard Lobinski. Biological selenium species and selenium speciation in biological samples. Selenium: Its Molecular Biology and Role in Human Health, Fourth Edition, Springer International Publishing, pp.413--424, 2016, 9783319412832 (ISBN); 9783319412818 (ISBN). ⟨hal-01529886⟩
  2. Katarzyna Bierla, Simon Godin, Ryszard Lobinski, Joanna Szpunar. Focus on Determination of Selenocysteine and Selenomethionine in Foodstuffs of Animal Origin by 2D Size-Exclusion Reversed-Phase HPLC-ICP-MS. Preedy V.R. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015-January, 2015, Food and Nutritional Components in Focus, 20451695 (ISSN). ⟨10.1039/9781782622215-00126⟩. ⟨hal-01505921⟩
  3. Katarzyna Bierla, Joanna Szpunar, Ryszard Lobinski. Analytical techniques for speciation of selenium in food and food supplements: State-of-the-art. Current Advances in Selenium Research and Applications, 1, Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp.107-132, 2008, 9789086860739 (ISBN). ⟨hal-01529901⟩
  4. Dirk Schaumlöffel, Pierre Giusti, Joanna Szpunar, Ryszard Lobinski. Nebulizer with nanometric flow rate of a liquid effluent and nebulizing installation comprising same. France, Patent n° : WO 2006131626 A2 20061214. 2006. ⟨hal-02095490⟩
  5. Joanna Szpunar, Brice Bouyssière, Ryszard Lobinski. Sample preparation for speciation analysis for metallobiomolecules. Mester Z. and Sturgeon R. 41, 2003, Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, 0166526X (ISSN); 9780444511010 (ISBN). ⟨hal-01560737⟩
  6. Joanna Szpunar, Brice Bouyssière, Ryszard Lobinski. Chapter 2 Sample preparation techniques for elemental speciation studies. 33, 2000, Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, 0166526X (ISSN). ⟨hal-01559777⟩
  7. Thierry Doco, Patrice Pellerin, J. Szpunar, Ryszard Lobinski, P. Williams, et al.. Chelation du plomb présent dans le vin par les dimères de rhamnogalacturonane II, un polysaccharide pectique du raisin. 8. Entretiens d'Agropolis "Bénéfice santé de l'alimentation de type méditerranéen", May 1999, Montpellier, France. 1 p., 1999. ⟨hal-02842059⟩
  8. J. Szpunar, Patrice Pellerin, A. Makarov, Thierry Doco, P. Williams, et al.. Speciation analysis for biomolecular complexes of lead in wine by size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1998, 13, pp.749-754. ⟨hal-02690501⟩
  9. Patrice Pellerin, M.A. O'Neill, J. Szpunar, A. Makarov, P. Williams, et al.. The interaction of the pectic polysaccharide Rhamnogalacturonan II with heavy metals and lanthanides. 8. International cell wall meeting, Sep 1998, Norway. 1 p., 1998. ⟨hal-02840135⟩
  10. Ryszard Lobinski, W.M.R. Dirkx, Joanna Szpunar-Łobińska, F.C. Adams. Speciation analysis of organolead compounds. Status and future prospects. 17, 1995, Techniques and Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry, 01679244 (ISSN). ⟨hal-01559753⟩