Types HAL | OUV | Ouvrage (y compris édition critique et traduction) |
COUV | Chapitre d'ouvrage | |
DOUV | Direction d'ouvrage, Proceedings, Dossier | |
ART | Article [avec commité de lecture = non] | |
OTHER | Autre publication | |
LECTURE | Cours |
# | Type | Année | Titre | doi | Notice HAL |
1 | ART | 2009 | Le verbe 'avoir' à travers les dialectes du breton | halshs-00605604 | |
2 | ART | 2008 | The French ethical dative: 13 syntactic tests | halshs-00605620 | |
3 | COUV | 2018 | Tester les noms collectifs en Breton, enquête sur le nombre et la numérosité | hal-02551855 | |
4 | COUV | 2016 | Differential Object Marking in Basque Varieties | hal-02551854 | |
5 | COUV | 2016 | Gaps and Stopgaps in Basque Finite Verb Agreement | hal-02551856 | |
6 | COUV | 2011 | Building and interpreting nonthematic A-positions : A-resumption in English and Breton | halshs-00605606 | |
7 | COUV | 2010 | Datibo osagarri bitxiak eta Datiboaren Lekualdatzea: ari nai diyot eta kanta egin nazu bidegurutzean | halshs-00605617 | |
8 | COUV | 2010 | On the unifiability of repairs of the Person Case Constraint: French, Basque, Georgian, and Chinook | halshs-00605618 | |
9 | COUV | 2010 | Ineffability through modularity: Gaps in French clitic clusters | halshs-00605608 | |
10 | COUV | 2008 | The forms of dative displacement: From Basauri to Itelmen | halshs-00605619 | |
11 | COUV | 2008 | Phi-Agree and theta-related Case | halshs-00605609 | |
12 | COUV | 2006 | On tough-movement | halshs-00605612 | |
13 | COUV | 2005 | The syntax of clitic climbing in Czech | halshs-00605611 | |
14 | COUV | 2004 | The EPP In Breton: An uninterpretable categorial feature | halshs-00605614 | |
15 | COUV | 2003 | Person licensing and the derivation of PCC effects | halshs-00605615 | |
16 | OUV | 2011 | Phi-features and the modular architecture of language | 10.1007/978-90-481-9698-2 | halshs-00605587 |