
HALathon 2021 UPPA

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Types HAL OUV Ouvrage (y compris édition critique et traduction)
COUV Chapitre d'ouvrage
DOUV Direction d'ouvrage, Proceedings, Dossier
ART Article [avec commité de lecture = non]
OTHER Autre publication
# Type Année Titre doi Notice HAL
1 DOUV 2014 Interrogation in War and Conflict: A Comparative and Interdisciplinary Analysis hal-02331061
2 OUV 2013 WarTalk. Foreign Languages and the British War Effort in Europe, 1940-47 hal-02331096
3 OUV 2013 Ascoltatori italiani buonasera! Voice of America e l'Italia, 1942-1957 hal-02552604
4 OUV 2008 Advertising America. The United States Information Service in Italy, 1945-1956 hal-02330907

Références complètes

  1. Christopher Maurice Andrew, Simona Tobia. Interrogation in War and Conflict: A Comparative and Interdisciplinary Analysis. Andrew, Christopher Maurice and Tobia, Simona. 2014, 978-0-415-82803-1. ⟨hal-02331061⟩
  2. Simona Tobia, Hilary Footitt. WarTalk. Foreign Languages and the British War Effort in Europe, 1940-47. Palgrave Macmillan, pp.222, 2013, 9780230362888. ⟨hal-02331096⟩
  3. Simona Tobia. Ascoltatori italiani buonasera! Voice of America e l'Italia, 1942-1957. 2013, 978-88-97748-69-4. ⟨hal-02552604⟩
  4. Simona Tobia. Advertising America. The United States Information Service in Italy, 1945-1956. LED Edizioni Universitarie, pp.323, 2008, 978-88-7916-400-9. ⟨hal-02330907⟩