
HALathon 2021 UPPA

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Types HAL OUV Ouvrage (y compris édition critique et traduction)
COUV Chapitre d'ouvrage
DOUV Direction d'ouvrage, Proceedings, Dossier
ART Article [avec commité de lecture = non]
OTHER Autre publication
# Type Année Titre doi Notice HAL
1 COUV 2012 Integrating DSLs into a Software Engineering Process: Application to Collaborative Construction of Telecom Services hal-01175615
2 DOUV 2015 The 1st Workshop on Digital Ecosystems and the Systems of Systems (ENSYST) hal-01908075

Références complètes

  1. Philippe Aniorte, Richard Chbeir, Vanea Chiprianov, Laurent Gallon, Vincent Lalanne, et al.. The 1st Workshop on Digital Ecosystems and the Systems of Systems (ENSYST). Actes Du XXXIIIeme Congres INFORSID 2015, May 2015, Biarritz, France. INFORSID, 2015. ⟨hal-01908075⟩
  2. Vanea Chiprianov, Yvon Kermarrec, Siegfried Rouvrais. Integrating DSLs into a Software Engineering Process: Application to Collaborative Construction of Telecom Services. Formal and Practical Aspects of Domain-Specific Languages: Recent Developments, IGI Global, pp.415 - 442, 2012, 9781466620926. ⟨hal-01175615⟩