
HALathon 2021 UPPA

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# Actes ? Date comm. Date publi. actes Titre Colloque Proceedings Lien éditeur / doi Notice HAL


2020 2021 Wikipedia World: A Computerized Process for Cultural Heritage Data Dissemination ICDH’2020, International Conference on Digital Heritage hal-03121935


2019 2019 Recommandation et valorisation d'objets patrimoniaux hétérogènes INFORSID hal-02414016


2017 2017 Named Entity Similarity Computation: The Case of Social Event Entities Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, GIR 2017, Heidelberg, Germany, November 30 - December 01, 2017 10.1145/3155902.3155903 hal-01912335


2017 2017 TERRE-ISTEX : Vers Un Modèle Pour Identifier Des Terrains d'études Actes Du 1er Atelier Valorisation et Analyse Des Données de La Recherche (VADOR 2017) Organisé Durant La 35e Édition Du Congrès Informatique Des Organisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision (INFORSID 2017), Toulouse, France, May 31, 2017 hal-01912829


2016 2016 Extraction Des Informations d'entreprises Conférence CORIA - Atelier Recherche d'Information SEmantique (RISE) hal-01912935


2016 2016 Extraction of Business Information on the Web to Supply a Geolocated Search Service The Second International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data (ALLDATA), Track on Knowledge Extraction and Semantic Annotation (KESA) hal-01912934


2001 2001 Improving the UML Metamodel to Rigorously Specify Aggregation and Composition OOIS'2001, 7th International Conference on Object Oriented Information Systems, 27-29 August 2001, Calgary, Canada. Proceedings hal-01909114


1998 1998 A Database Interface Integrating a Querying Language for Versions Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Second East European Symposium, ADBIS'98, Poznan, Poland, September 7-10, 1998, Proceedings 10.1007/BFb0057733 hal-01908078


1997 1997 Interrogation de Bases de Données Intégrant Des Versions Actes Du XVème Congrès INFORSID, Toulouse, France, 10-13 Juin, 1997 hal-01908079


1996 1996 Integrating Versions in the OMT Models Conceptual Modeling - ER'96, 15th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Cottbus, Germany, October 7-10, 1996, Proceedings 10.1007/BFb0019941 hal-01908080


1995 1995 Modelling Inheritance, Composition and Relationship Links between Objects, Object Versions and Class Versions Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 7th International Conference, CAiSE'95, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 12-16, 1995, Proceedings 10.1007/3-540-59498-1_240 hal-01908081



sans actes

Using a GIR tool in a Business Intelligence Context: the case of EGC conferences Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence hal-01590207



sans actes

A propos des territoires dans les corpus scientifiques EMCsic workshop, Conférence Ingénierie des connaissances hal-01708086



sans actes

Vers une analyse thématique automatique de séries de publications : application aux articles des conférences EGC ACFAS http://www.acfas.ca/medias/communiques/2016/04/13/84e-congres-l-acfas-9-13-mai-2016-l-universite-quebec-montreal hal-01358487

Références complètes

  1. Landy Rajaonarivo, Marie-Noelle Bessagnet, Christian Sallaberry, Annig Le Parc-Lacayrelle, Lucas Lévêque. Wikipedia World: A Computerized Process for Cultural Heritage Data Dissemination. ICDH’2020, International Conference on Digital Heritage, Nov 2020, London, United Kingdom. pp.1233-1239. ⟨hal-03121935⟩
  2. Landy Rajaonarivo, André Sales Fonteles, Christian Sallaberry, Philippe Roose, Marie-Noelle Bessagnet, et al.. Recommandation et valorisation d'objets patrimoniaux hétérogènes. INFORSID, Jun 2019, Paris, France. pp.171-186. ⟨hal-02414016⟩
  3. Armel Fotsoh, Christian Sallaberry, Annig Le Parc-Lacayrelle. Named Entity Similarity Computation: The Case of Social Event Entities. Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, GIR 2017, Heidelberg, Germany, November 30 - December 01, 2017, Nov 2017, Heidelberg, Germany. pp.9:1-9:8, ⟨10.1145/3155902.3155903⟩. ⟨hal-01912335⟩
  4. Annig Le Parc-Lacayrelle, Amin Farvardin. TERRE-ISTEX : Vers Un Modèle Pour Identifier Des Terrains d'études. Actes Du 1er Atelier Valorisation et Analyse Des Données de La Recherche (VADOR 2017) Organisé Durant La 35e Édition Du Congrès Informatique Des Organisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision (INFORSID 2017), Toulouse, France, May 31, 2017, May 2017, Toulouse, France. pp.41-49. ⟨hal-01912829⟩
  5. Eric Kergosien, Marie-Noelle Bessagnet, Annig Le Parc-Lacayrelle, Stéphane Chaudiron, Christian Sallaberry. Using a GIR tool in a Business Intelligence Context: the case of EGC conferences. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence , SIIE, May 2017, Al-Hoceïma, Morocco. ⟨hal-01590207⟩
  6. Marie-Noelle Bessagnet, Eric Kergosien, M.A. Farvardin, Annig Le Parc-Lacayrelle, Christian Sallaberry. A propos des territoires dans les corpus scientifiques. EMCsic workshop, Conférence Ingénierie des connaissances, Jul 2017, Caen, France. ⟨hal-01708086⟩
  7. Eric Kergosien, Christian Sallaberry, Marie-Noelle Bessagnet, Annig Le Parc-Lacayrelle. Vers une analyse thématique automatique de séries de publications : application aux articles des conférences EGC. ACFAS, Association Francophone pour le savoir, May 2016, Montréal, Canada. pp.1. ⟨hal-01358487⟩
  8. Christian Sallaberry, A. Fotsoh Tawofaing, Tanguy Moal, Annig Le Parc-Lacayrelle. Extraction Des Informations d'entreprises. Conférence CORIA - Atelier Recherche d'Information SEmantique (RISE), 2016, Toulouse, France. ⟨hal-01912935⟩
  9. A. Fotsoh Tawofaing, Christian Sallaberry, Annig Le Parc-Lacayrelle, Tanguy Moal. Extraction of Business Information on the Web to Supply a Geolocated Search Service. The Second International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data (ALLDATA), Track on Knowledge Extraction and Semantic Annotation (KESA), Feb 2016, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.82-85. ⟨hal-01912934⟩
  10. Jean-Michel Bruel, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Franck Barbier, Annig Le Parc-Lacayrelle, Robert B. France. Improving the UML Metamodel to Rigorously Specify Aggregation and Composition. OOIS'2001, 7th International Conference on Object Oriented Information Systems, 27-29 August 2001, Calgary, Canada. Proceedings, Aug 2001, Calgary, Canada. pp.5-14. ⟨hal-01909114⟩
  11. Éric Andonoff, Gilles Hubert, Annig Le Parc-Lacayrelle. A Database Interface Integrating a Querying Language for Versions. Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Second East European Symposium, ADBIS'98, Poznan, Poland, September 7-10, 1998, Proceedings, Sep 1998, Poznan, Poland. pp.200-211, ⟨10.1007/BFb0057733⟩. ⟨hal-01908078⟩
  12. Éric Andonoff, Gilles Hubert, Annig Le Parc-Lacayrelle. Interrogation de Bases de Données Intégrant Des Versions. Actes Du XVème Congrès INFORSID, Toulouse, France, 10-13 Juin, 1997, Jun 1997, Toulouse, France. pp.225-246. ⟨hal-01908079⟩
  13. Éric Andonoff, Gilles Hubert, Annig Le Parc-Lacayrelle, Gilles Zurfluh. Integrating Versions in the OMT Models. Conceptual Modeling - ER'96, 15th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Cottbus, Germany, October 7-10, 1996, Proceedings, Oct 1996, Cottbus, Germany. pp.472-487, ⟨10.1007/BFb0019941⟩. ⟨hal-01908080⟩
  14. Éric Andonoff, Gilles Hubert, Annig Le Parc-Lacayrelle, Gilles Zurfluh. Modelling Inheritance, Composition and Relationship Links between Objects, Object Versions and Class Versions. Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 7th International Conference, CAiSE'95, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 12-16, 1995, Proceedings, Jun 1995, Jyväskylä, Finland. pp.96-111, ⟨10.1007/3-540-59498-1_240⟩. ⟨hal-01908081⟩