Avec actes : Si colloque au moins annuel dont les actes sont publiés par le même éditeur (collection ou revue).
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Texte de votre communication en Document principal
Support de présentation (slides) en annexe
# | Actes ? | Date comm. | Date publi. actes | Titre | Colloque | Proceedings | Lien éditeur / doi | Notice HAL |
1 |
oui |
2016 | 2016 | Some stability results for stochastic conservation laws | Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution Equations, Analysis and Numerics, Berlin, 3-5/11 | hal-01902166 | ||
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oui |
2016 | 2016 | Some stability results for stochastic conservation laws | 14 Int. Conf. Zaragoza-Pau on Maths and its Appl., Jaca, 12-15 September | hal-01902172 | ||
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oui |
2014 | 2014 | Stochastic conservation laws with a multiplicative stochastic force | Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications - IX (Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Matematica), 6 Jan 2014 to 11 Jan 2014 Bellavista Relax Hotel, Levico Terme (Trento), Italy. | hal-01051530 | ||
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oui |
2014 | 2014 | On the stochastic Dp(.) problem | Séminaire de l'ENS Kouba - Alger 2 juin 2014 | hal-01051526 | ||
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oui |
2012 | 2012 | The Cauchy Problem for a conservation law with a multiplicative stochastic perturbation | Twelveth International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Jaca, 17-19 September 2012. | hal-00868326 | ||
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2012 | 2012 | On a nonlinear abstract Volterra equation | Twelveth International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Jaca, 17-19 September 2012. | hal-00868327 | ||
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2011 | 2011 | On stochastic conservation laws. | Recent Trends in Differential Equations : Analysis and Discretisation Methods. Bielefeld October 31 - November 2, 2011. | hal-00867632 | ||
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2011 | 2011 | Stochastic conservation laws. | MAMERN11 : 4th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources Saidia (Morocco), May 23-26, 2011 (minisymposium). | hal-00867633 | ||
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oui |
2010 | 2010 | Étude d'une problème hyperbolique stochastique | Minisymposium sur les Problèmes aléatoires (EDP - CANUM 2010). | hal-00867661 | ||
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oui |
2010 | 2010 | Autour d'un problème hyperbolique stochastique en domaine borné. | Fédération Normandie-Mathématiques : EDP-Normandie les 28 et 29 Octobre 2010 à Caen. | hal-00867660 | ||
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oui |
2010 | 2010 | On the equation of Barenblatt | Eleventh International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 15-17 September 2010 , Jaca Espagne | hal-00867619 | ||
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oui |
2010 | 2010 | Étude d'un probléme hyperbolique d'ordre un stochastique en domaine borné | Équations aux Dérivées Partielles Non Linéaires. 6-7 mai 2010. CEREMATH - Toulouse I France | hal-00867659 | ||
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oui |
2010 | 2010 | From the heat equation to the Sobolev equation | 11th International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Septembre 2010, Jaca, Espagne | hal-00867620 | ||
14 |
oui |
2010 | 2010 | On pseudoparabolic problems of Barenblatt's type, | Recent Trends in Differential Equations : Analysis and Discretisation Methods, Bielefeld (Allemagne) November 15-17, 2010. | hal-00867658 | ||
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oui |
2010 | 2010 | 1D numerical simulation for nonlinear pseudo parabolic problems | 11th International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Applied Mathematics and Statistics | inria-00539637 | ||
16 |
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2009 | 2009 | Dirichlet problem for a stochastic conservation law. | International conference on Number theory, PDE and Geometrie, Calicut (India) - 27th to 29th of August 2009. | hal-00866291 | ||
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2009 | 2009 | Study of a Nonlinear Problem of Pseudoparabolic's type | ACM2009 : 5th Asian Mathematical Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, 26-29 juin 2009. | hal-00866268 | ||
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2009 | 2009 | Dirichlet problem for a stochastic conservation law | International conference on Number theory, PDE and Geometry, 27th to 29th of August 2009 Calicut (India) | hal-00866269 | ||
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2009 | 2009 | Stochastic perturbation of a conservation law | International Conference on Frontiers in Fluid Mechanics, Bangalore, August 31 - September 2, 2009. | hal-00866293 | ||
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2009 | 2009 | A class of pseudoparabolic problems and the equation of Barenblatt | Colloquium invité au TIFR-CAM de Bangalore, September 1th 2009. | hal-00866290 | ||
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2009 | 2009 | Dirichlet problem for a stochastic conservation law. | MAMERN09 : 3rd International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources Pau (France), June 8-11, 2009 (Minisymposium). | hal-00866292 | ||
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non |
2020 |
sans actes |
Pseudomonotony in stochastic problems | Seminar TIFR CAM Bangalore India | hal-03125066 | ||
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non |
2020 |
sans actes |
Pseudomonotony in stochastic problems | Séminaire de Mathématiques et de leurs Applications | hal-03125069 | ||
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non |
2020 |
sans actes |
Lewy-Stampacchia’s inequalities | Webinar on PDE and related areas Bangalore (TIFR-CAM), Kanpur (IIT), Kolkata (IISER) and Pune (IISER) | hal-03125081 | ||
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2019 |
sans actes |
On Lewy-Stampacchia’s inequalities | Conference in honor of Peter Takac’s birthday | hal-02524603 | ||
26 |
non |
2019 |
sans actes |
On Lewy-Stampacchia’s inequalities | Séminaire TIFR CAM | hal-02524656 | ||
27 |
non |
2019 |
sans actes |
Équation non locale stochastique | Séminaire | hal-02524651 | ||
28 |
non |
2019 |
sans actes |
Expérimentation pédagogique en L1 | Laboratoire de Mathématiques du lycée Barthou (Pau), liaison Secondaire-Supérieur : seconde demi-journée | hal-02525727 | ||
29 |
non |
2019 |
sans actes |
High speed quantum well infrared heterodyne receivers at 4.9μm | 2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) | 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2019.8873742 | hal-02567335 | |
30 |
non |
2019 |
sans actes |
On the stochastic ∆p problem | Onzième Rencontre d’Analyse Mathématiques et Applications : RAMA11 | hal-02524607 | ||
31 |
non |
2019 |
sans actes |
On a stochastic model of damage and rupture | Journées Analyse Appliquée Nice Toulon Marseille | hal-03040677 | ||
32 |
non |
2018 |
sans actes |
Nonlocal diffusion equations with a multiplicative noise | Nonlinear and Nonlocal Evolution Equations and Stochastic Methods, Stralsund, April 8-11th, 2018 | hal-02138430 | ||
33 |
non |
2018 |
sans actes |
On a nonlocal Stochastic PDE | Fifteenth International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Mathematics and its Applications Jaca, September 10-12th 2018 | hal-02134826 | ||
34 |
non |
2018 |
sans actes |
Optimal Stochastic Control in Ferromagnetism | Séminaire Duisburg-Essen, April 12th 2018 | hal-02138432 | ||
35 |
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2018 |
sans actes |
On a pseudomonotone evolution equation with a multiplicative noise | Séminaire Bangalore, February 15th, 2018 | hal-02138431 | ||
36 |
non |
2018 |
sans actes |
On some stochastic nonlocal equations | Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution Equations: Analysis, Numerics and Applications TU Berlin, December 6th - 8th, 2018 | hal-02138433 | ||
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2017 |
sans actes |
Some stability results for stochastic conservation laws | Tendances des Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc : TAMTAM | hal-02139510 | ||
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non |
2017 |
sans actes |
Optimal Stochastic Control in Ferromagnetism | International IFCAM conference on nonlinear PDEs : IFCAM2017 | hal-02139513 | ||
39 |
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2016 |
sans actes |
A stochastic ∆p problem | Univ.́ de Tübingen, 21 janvier | hal-01902170 | ||
40 |
non |
2016 |
sans actes |
A stochastic ∆p problem | Colloquium du TIFR-CAM de Bangalore 2 mars. | hal-01902165 | ||
41 |
non |
2016 |
sans actes |
On a stochastic pseudo-monotone problem | Nonlinear PDEs, Warnemunde, 3-6/04 | hal-01902167 | ||
42 |
non |
2016 |
sans actes |
On a stochastic parabolic degenerate conservation law | On a stochastic parabolic degenerate conservation law | hal-01902168 | ||
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2016 |
sans actes |
A stochastic ∆p problem | ENS Kouba d’Alger, 23 mai | hal-01902169 | ||
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2015 |
sans actes |
On a stochastic parabolic degenerate conservation law | Journées thématiques sur les lois de conservation stochastiques : théorie, analyse numérique et applications 8-9 juin 2015 Marseille (France) | hal-02138423 | ||
45 |
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2015 |
sans actes |
On stochastic PDE | Colloquium ICMAT - Madrid March 17th, 2015 | hal-02138424 | ||
46 |
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2015 |
sans actes |
Conservation laws with stochastic forcing | SciCADE 2015 Postdam 14-18 Septembre | hal-02138421 | ||
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2015 |
sans actes |
Conservation laws with stochastic forcing | séminaire ICMAT - Madrid March 18th, 2015 | hal-02138422 | ||
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2015 |
sans actes |
A stochastic Deltaₚ problem | minisym. Mamern 1-5 janvier 2015 | hal-02138419 | ||
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2015 |
sans actes |
A stochastic Deltaₚ problem | Colloquium Essen - 15 Janvier 2015 | hal-02138418 | ||
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2015 |
sans actes |
A stochastic Deltaₚ problem | séminaire Berlin - 19 janvier 2015 | hal-02138420 | ||
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2014 |
sans actes |
On the stochastic Delta-p(.) problem | Thirteenth International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Mathematics and its Applications Jaca, September 15–18th 2014 | hal-02159197 | ||
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2012 |
sans actes |
É́tude de problèmes paraboliques fortement dégénérés | groupe de travail EDP à l'ENS Kouba d'Alger, 27-28 mars 2012. | hal-00868334 | ||
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non |
2012 |
sans actes |
A nonlinear problem of Barenblatt type | groupe de travail du Pr. Emmrich - TU Berlin, 2 juillet 2012. | hal-00868333 | ||
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non |
2012 |
sans actes |
Autour de quelques problèmes de Barenblatt | Séminaire à Toulouse I - 9 mars 2012. | hal-00868332 | ||
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non |
2011 |
sans actes |
Problèmes hyperboliques stochastiques. | Séminaire d'Analyse Appliquée du Laboratoire d'Analyse, Topologie, Probabilités UMR 6632 de Marseille le Mardi 25 janvier 2011. | hal-00867625 | ||
56 |
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2011 |
sans actes |
On some Barenblatt's problems, second part. | Groupe de travail. Bielefeld, 12/04/2011. | hal-00867624 | ||
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non |
2011 |
sans actes |
On some Barenblatt's problems. | Mathematisches Kolloquium. | hal-00867622 | ||
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2011 |
sans actes |
On some Barenblatt's problems. | Seminar of the Research Group on Numerical Analysis of Dynamical Systems. | hal-00867623 | ||
59 |
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2010 |
sans actes |
Stochastic perturbation of transport equations | Séminaire à l'université Internationale de Ho Chi Minh Ville, 16 avril 2010 | hal-00867629 | ||
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non |
2009 |
sans actes |
Sur une loi de conservation stochastique | Séminaire de Probabilités et Statistique du LMA de Pau. 1 octobre 2009. | hal-00866274 | ||
61 |
non |
2009 |
sans actes |
On a nonlinear pseudo-parabolic problem | Spring School Analytical and Numerical Aspects of Evolution Equations, Berlin, March 30 - April 3, 2009 | hal-00866272 | ||
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2009 |
sans actes |
Lois de conservation, étude stochastique | Séminaire au Laboratoire de Mathématiques de l'Université de Besançon, le 14 mai 2009 | hal-00866270 | ||
63 |
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1982 |
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Productivite potentielle et reproduction hivernale chez la laie (Sus scrofa scrofa) en milieu sauvage | 14. Journee de recherche porcine en France | hal-02780729 |