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# | Actes ? | Date comm. | Date publi. actes | Titre | Colloque | Proceedings | Lien éditeur / doi | Notice HAL |
1 |
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2018 | 2018 | Quantitative localization of small obstacles in acoustic media | GDR MecaWave - 1er colloque du GdR MecaWave | http://mecawave.cnrs.fr/category/manifestations/colloque-5-9-novembre-2018/ | hal-01928469 | |
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oui |
2017 | 2017 | Full determination of the characteristics of elastic scatters from some FFP measurements | WAVES 2017 - 13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation | https://cceevents.umn.edu/waves-2017 | hal-01694544 | |
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2017 | 2017 | A-stable high-order implicit time schemes | Waves 2017 International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation | https://cceevents.umn.edu/waves-2017 | hal-01535638 | |
4 |
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2017 | 2017 | Current trends in solving full-wave equation for imaging complex media | 2017 - Equations hyperboliques et physique mathématique | https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/1898/page/3 | hal-01691558 | |
5 |
oui |
2017 | 2017 | Numerical Robustness of Single Layer method with Fourier basis in 2D multiple obstacle scattering | WAVES 2017 - 13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation | https://cceevents.umn.edu/waves-2017 | hal-01674521 | |
6 |
oui |
2017 | 2017 | A Trefftz method whose shape functions are constructed thanks to a high-order DG finite element method | WAVES 2017 - 13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation | https://cceevents.umn.edu/waves-2017 | hal-01691588 | |
7 |
oui |
2017 | 2017 | Stability and convergence analysis for seismic depth imaging using FWI | Computational Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations Workshop | 10.4171/OWR/2017/24 | hal-01623952 | |
8 |
oui |
2016 | 2016 | Multiscale Medium Approximation: Application to Geophysical Benchmarks | Saint Petersburg 2016 International Conference & Exhibition | hal-01408958 | ||
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2016 | 2016 | Efficient high order time schemes for Maxwell's equations | ICOSAHOM 2016 - International Conference On Spectral and High Order Methods | http://icosahom2016.swge.inf.br/ | hal-01403636 | |
10 |
oui |
2016 | 2016 | Shape and material parameter reconstruction of an isotropic or anisotropic solid immersed in a fluid | Inverse Problems for PDEs | http://www.math.uni-bremen.de/zetem/cms/detail.php?template=parse_title&person=ip2016 | hal-01408981 | |
11 |
oui |
2016 | 2016 | A Family of Linear Singly Diagonal Runge-Kutta Methods and High Order Pade's Schemes for ODE | Mathias - annual TOTAL seminar on Mathematics, Numerical simulations, Applied Maths, Numerical Methods, HPC, Parallel Programming, Data processing, Optimization | hal-01406653 | ||
12 |
oui |
2015 | 2015 | Absorbing Boundary Conditions for 3D elastic TTI modeling | SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts (ISSN : 1052-3812) | 10.1190/segam2015-5910360.1 | hal-01223344 |
13 |
oui |
2015 | 2015 | A non-dispersive discontinuous Galerkin method for the simulation of acoustic scattering in complex media. | Fall 2015 - 170th Meeting Acoustical Society of America | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 10.1121/1.4933581 | hal-01691619 |
14 |
oui |
2014 | 2014 | Optimized wave propagation for geophysics | Journée scientifique du MCIA (Mésocentre de Calcul Intensif Aquitain) | hal-01057582 | ||
15 |
oui |
2014 | 2014 | Helmholtz equation in Highly Heterogeneous Media | 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics | hal-01100492 | ||
16 |
oui |
2014 | 2014 | (Portable) Task-based programming model for elastodynamics | EAGE workshop on HPC for Upstream | EarthDoc | 10.3997/2214-4609.20141922 | hal-01070015 |
17 |
oui |
2014 | 2014 | Imaging of complex media with elastic wave equations | 2014 eccomas | hal-01096616 | ||
18 |
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2014 | 2014 | A discontinuous Galerkin method whose shape functions are constructed thanks to an integral equation formulation | CG 2014 - Second Russian – French Workshop “Computational Geophysics” | http://cg2014.ipgg.sbras.ru/ | hal-01691657 | |
19 |
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2014 | 2014 | Helmholtz Equation in Highly Heterogeneous Media | Second Russian-French Workshop "Computational Geophysics" | hal-01100478 | ||
20 |
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2014 | 2014 | Helmholtz Equation in Highly Heterogeneous Media: a two Scales Analysis | Third international workshop on multiphysics, multiscale and optimization problem | hal-01100475 | ||
21 |
oui |
2013 | 2013 | A regularized Newton method for the solution of an inverse obstacle scattering problem in fluid-solid interaction | COMPDYN 2013 - 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - 2013 | hal-00842176 | ||
22 |
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2013 | 2014 | High-Order Time Discretization Of The Wave Equation By Nabla-P Scheme | SMAI 2013 | hal-00924030 | ||
23 |
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2013 | 2013 | Shape reconstruction of non-convex elastic scatterers using a regularized Newton-type method | JSA 2013 - MC'65 - Journées Singulières Augmentées 2013, Conférence en l'honneur de Martin Costabel pour ses 65 ans | hal-00880497 | ||
24 |
oui |
2013 | 2013 | Performance assesment of a fractional radiation boundary condition for the Helmholtz equation | WAVES 13 : 11th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves | http://www.lamsin.tn/waves13/proceedings.pdf | hal-00923995 | |
25 |
oui |
2013 | 2013 | High-Order Explicit Time Scheme for Simulation of Wave Propagation | HOSCAR - 3rd Brazil-French workshop on High performance cOmputing and SCientific dAta management dRiven by highly demanding applications (INRIA-CNPq) | hal-00929904 | ||
26 |
oui |
2013 | 2013 | Perfectly Matched Layers for linearized and non linear Shallow Water equation | WAVES 13 : 11th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves | http://www.lamsin.tn/waves13/proceedings.pdf | hal-00923939 | |
27 |
oui |
2012 | 2013 | On the influence of curvature on transmission conditions | Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXI | hal-00925567 | ||
28 |
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2011 | 2011 | Characterization of the Fréchet derivative of the elastoacoustic field with respect to Lipschitz domains | WAVES - Tenth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves - 2011 | hal-00768054 | ||
29 |
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2011 | 2011 | Enriched Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Acoustic Waves | Conference on Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics | hal-00768550 | ||
30 |
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2010 | 2010 | Méthodes numériques pour l'imagerie sismique | Congrès d'Analyse NUMérique | inria-00527419 | ||
31 |
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2010 | 2010 | An efficient multi-step procedure for enriching limited two-dimensional far-field pattern measurements | ECCM - 2010-IV EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL MECANICS, Solids, Structure and Coupled Problems in Engineering | hal-00867123 | ||
32 |
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2010 | 2010 | Enriched absorbing boundary conditions for the acoustic wave equation involving a fractional derivative | Third Chilean Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (WONAPDE 2010) | inria-00508593 | ||
33 |
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2010 | 2010 | High-Order Schemes with Local Time Stepping for Solving the Wave Equation in a Reverse Time Migration Algorithm | 2010 ISFMA Symposium & Shanghai Summer School on Maxwell' equations: Theoretical and Numerical Issues with Applications | inria-00508634 | ||
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2010 | 2010 | An hp-adaptive energy conserving time scheme for the wave equation. | Third Chilean Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, WONAPDE 2010 | inria-00508541 | ||
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2010 | 2010 | Absorbing Boundary Condition Taking into Account the Grazing Modes | 2010 SIAM Annual Meeting (AN10) | inria-00508632 | ||
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2009 | 2009 | Numerical Simulation of Wave Propagation applied to seismic Imaging | 1er colloque Franco-Tunisien de Mathématiques SMF/SMT | inria-00527240 | ||
37 |
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2009 | 2009 | New absorbing boundary conditions for the acoustic wave equation approximated by an IPDG formulation | ICTCA 2009 | inria-00508603 | ||
38 |
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2009 | 2009 | Using the Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin method for the Reverse Time Migration | The 9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves Propagation (WAVES 2009) | inria-00508565 | ||
39 |
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2009 | 2009 | The Reverse Time Migration technique coupled with interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin Method | Annual meeting of the European Geophysical Union (EGU 09) | inria-00508586 | ||
40 |
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2009 | 2009 | Comparison of the Performance of Spectral Finite Elements and Interior Penalty Discontinous Galerkin Methods for the Reverse Time Migration | International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods (ICOSAHOM09) | inria-00508579 | ||
41 |
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2009 | 2009 | Stable Perfectly Matched Layer for Short Water Waves | The 9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves Propagation (WAVES 2009) | inria-00508571 | ||
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2009 | 2009 | IPDG formulation of the acoustic wave equation incorporating absorbing boundary conditions | The 9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves Propagation (WAVES 2009) | inria-00508598 | ||
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2008 | 2008 | Analysis of the performance of the Interior Penality Discontinuous Galerkin method | Journée en l'honneur de Gene Golub | inria-00527278 | ||
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2008 | 2008 | The reverse time migration technique coupled with finite element methods | 5èmes journées du GDR Etude de la propagation ultrasononore en vue du contrôle non-destructif | inria-00343542 | ||
45 |
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2008 | 2010 | High Order Absorbing Boundary Conditions for solving the Wave Equation by Discontinuous Galerkin Methods | Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Applied Mathematics and Statistics | inria-00508630 | ||
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2008 | 2008 | High-order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Reverse Time Migration | The 5th. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008) | inria-00508600 | ||
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2007 | 2007 | High-order multi-step one-way modeling | 8th International conference on mathematical and numerical aspects of waves, WAVES'07 | inria-00527286 | ||
48 |
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2005 | 2005 | On the Construction of Approximate Boundary Conditions for Solving the Interior Problem of the Acoustic Scattering Transmission Problem | unknow | hal-00091675 | ||
49 |
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2003 | 2003 | Modélisation et imagerie en sismique: les acquis, les attentes | 1ère Réunion générale du GDR Ondes (CNRS) « Interférences d'ondes » | hal-00465562 | ||
50 |
non |
2019 |
sans actes |
Modeling seismic wave propagation through the Earth for imaging localized structures | EGU General Assembly 2019 | hal-02429713 | ||
51 |
non |
2019 |
sans actes |
Wave-propagation modeling using the distributional finite difference method | AGU Fall Meeting 2019 | https://www.agu.org/fall-meeting | hal-02429725 | |
52 |
non |
2018 |
sans actes |
Hybrid space discretization to solve elasto-acoustic coupling | Fifth international congress on multiphysics, multiscale, and optimization problems | hal-01808793 | ||
53 |
non |
2017 |
sans actes |
Stability and convergence for seismic reconstruction using full waveform inversion | Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) Group Seminar | https://www.ricam.oeaw.ac.at/news-events/events/details/?id=106 | hal-01623950 | |
54 |
non |
2017 |
sans actes |
Convergence Analysis for Seismic Full Waveform Inversion | MATHIAS – TOTAL Symposium on Mathematics | hal-01623953 | ||
55 |
non |
2017 |
sans actes |
Convergence of seismic full waveform inversion and extension to Cauchy data | Inverse Days 2017 | http://www.oulu.fi/inverse/id2017 | hal-01662677 | |
56 |
non |
2016 |
sans actes |
Handling clusters with a task-based runtime system: application to Geophysics | Rice - Oil & Gas HPC Workshop | hal-01303373 | ||
57 |
non |
2016 |
sans actes |
Stability Estimates for the Helmholtz Inverse Problem and Seismic Reconstruction | Workshop on Inverse Problems for PDEs | http://www.math.uni-bremen.de/zetem/cms/detail.php?template=parse_title&person=ip2016 | hal-01323276 | |
58 |
non |
2016 |
sans actes |
Inverse Problem in the Frequency Domain for Subsurface Reconstruction | Workshop DIP – Depth Imaging Partnership (INRIA-TOTAL), | hal-01400475 | ||
59 |
non |
2016 |
sans actes |
Absorbing Boundary Conditions for 3D Elastic TTI Modeling, Application to Time-Based and Time-Harmonic Simulations | EAGE Saint Petersburg International Conference & Exhibition | hal-01303391 | ||
60 |
non |
2016 |
sans actes |
Full Waveform Inversion for Elastic Medium using Quantitative Lipschitz Stability Estimates | EAGE Saint Petersburg 2016 International Conference & Exhibition | http://www.eage.org/event/index.php?eventid=1366 | hal-01323280 | |
61 |
non |
2016 |
sans actes |
Description of a boundary layer phenomenon in acoustic media with a multi-scale expansion. Application | V-MAD 2016 - 6th Valparaíso’s Mathematics and its Applications Days | http://ima.ucv.cl/congreso/vmad2016/ | hal-01691684 | |
62 |
non |
2016 |
sans actes |
High-order numerical schemes for imaging the subsurface | 2016 - Computational and Numerical Analysis of Transient Problems in Acoustics, Elasticity, and Electromagnetism | hal-01691577 | ||
63 |
non |
2016 |
sans actes |
A study of Numerical Dispersion for Helmholtz equation in one dimension by Z transform | GEAGAM Network | hal-01674531 | ||
64 |
non |
2016 |
sans actes |
A Finite Element Method Whose Shape Functions are Constructed Thanks to a Boundary Element Method, | 7th EAGE Saint Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition | 10.3997/2214-4609.201600120 | hal-02169077 | |
65 |
non |
2015 |
sans actes |
Helmholtz Equation in Highly Heterogeneous Media | 1st. Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics | hal-01217469 | ||
66 |
non |
2015 |
sans actes |
Portable task-based programming for elastodynamics | Rice - Oil & Gas HPC Workshop | hal-01128750 | ||
67 |
non |
2015 |
sans actes |
Stable TTI Acousto-Elastic simulations | Workshop DIP - Depth Imaging Partnership (INRIA-TOTAL) | hal-01188522 | ||
68 |
non |
2015 |
sans actes |
Elastic isotropic full waveform inversion via quantitative stability estimates | GEAGAM Workshop On Advanced Subsurface Visualization Methods | hal-01207070 | ||
69 |
non |
2015 |
sans actes |
Elastic isotropic full waveform inversion via quantitative stability estimates | PANACM (Pan-American Congress On Computational Mechanics) 2015 | hal-01207064 | ||
70 |
non |
2015 |
sans actes |
Stability estimates for full waveform inversion | Workshop DIP – Depth Imaging Partnership (INRIA-TOTAL), | hal-01323701 | ||
71 |
non |
2015 |
sans actes |
Portable task-based programming for seismic wave propagation simulation in time domain | HOSCAR – 5th Brazil-French workshop on High performance cOmputing and SCientific dAta management dRiven by highly demanding applications (INRIA-CNPq) | hal-01208461 | ||
72 |
non |
2015 |
sans actes |
Multiscale Medium Approximation for the Helmholtz equation. Application to geophysical benchmarks. | Third Workshop of the strategic action DIP | hal-01217475 | ||
73 |
non |
2015 |
sans actes |
High-Order IPDG Approximations for Elasto-Acoustic Problems | SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences | http://www.siam.org/meetings/gs15/index.php | hal-01184110 | |
74 |
non |
2015 |
sans actes |
Absorbing Boundary Conditions for 3D Tilted Transverse Isotropic media | First Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanic (PANACM 2015) | http://congress.cimne.com/panacm2015 | hal-01184104 | |
75 |
non |
2015 |
sans actes |
High-order Discontinuous Galerkin approximations for elasto-acoustic scattering problems | XXIV Congress on Differential Equations and Applications / XIV Congress on Applied Mathematics (XXIV CEDYA / XIV CMA) | http://cedya2015-en.uca.es/ | hal-01184107 | |
76 |
non |
2015 |
sans actes |
Pollution analysis for high order discretizations of highly heterogeneous Helmholtz problems | Exploring the earth | hal-01217484 | ||
77 |
non |
2015 |
sans actes |
Discontinuous Galerkin Approximations for Seismic Wave Propagation in a HPC Framework | Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference (PASC 15) | http://www.pasc15.org | hal-01184106 | |
78 |
non |
2014 |
sans actes |
Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Tilted Transverse Isotropic elastic media | ECCOMAS, WCCM XI - ECCM V - ECFD VI | hal-01057581 | ||
79 |
non |
2014 |
sans actes |
Shape Reconstruction of Non-convex Elastic Scatterers Using a Regularized Newton-type Method | The 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications | hal-01111089 | ||
80 |
non |
2014 |
sans actes |
Arbitrary High Order Time Scheme for Wave Equation | The 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications | hal-01111091 | ||
81 |
non |
2014 |
sans actes |
High order schemes for the first order formulation of the wave equation. Application to seismic imaging. | Journées Ondes du Sud-Ouest | hal-01111082 | ||
82 |
non |
2013 |
sans actes |
High-Order Time Scheme Of The Wave Equation Using Nabla-P Scheme | Mathias 2013 | hal-00924013 | ||
83 |
non |
2013 |
sans actes |
Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Tilted Transverse Isotropic waves in Reverse Time Migration context | Waves -- International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves | hal-00868135 | ||
84 |
non |
2013 |
sans actes |
The Multiscale Hybrid Mixed Method for the Helmholtz Equation. | HOSCAR - 3rd Brazil-French workshop on High performance cOmputing and SCientific dAta management dRiven by highly demanding applications (INRIA-CNPq) (2013) | hal-00930139 | ||
85 |
non |
2013 |
sans actes |
Une méthode de Newton régularisée pour la solution d'un problème inverse de type élasto-acoustique | Congrès SMAI 2013 - 6e Biennale Française des Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles | hal-00842180 | ||
86 |
non |
2013 |
sans actes |
Optimized propagators for elastic waves with anisotropy Part 1: Applied Mathematics Part 2: High-Performance Computing | XSEDE -- International Summer School on HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences (PRACE workshop) | hal-00868169 | ||
87 |
non |
2013 |
sans actes |
Mathematical and numerical seismic imaging based on high-order schemes | Journée Ondes et problèmes inverses en géophysique | hal-00924046 | ||
88 |
non |
2013 |
sans actes |
Some Mathematical and Numerical Aspects on the Solution of Inverse Elasto-Acoustic Problems | Congrès de Mathématiques Appliquées en l'honneur de Mohamed Amara | hal-00924032 | ||
89 |
non |
2013 |
sans actes |
On the use of high-order schemes for seismic imaging | Valparaíso Numérico IV : Séptimo Encuentro de Análisis Numérico de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales | hal-00924039 | ||
90 |
non |
2013 |
sans actes |
Méthodes d'ordre élevé pour l'imagerie sismique mathématique | Haute Fréquence | hal-00925578 | ||
91 |
non |
2012 |
sans actes |
Absorbing Boundary Conditions for anisotropic elastodynamic media | 1st Russian-French Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics and Inverse Problems | hal-00764192 | ||
92 |
non |
2012 |
sans actes |
High order time discretization of the wave equation by nabla-p schemes | Aquitanie-Euskadi Workshop on Applied Mathematics (Aquitanie-Euskadi 2012) | hal-00764188 | ||
93 |
non |
2012 |
sans actes |
Optimized propagators for elastic waves in anisotropic (TTI) media Part 1: Absorbing Boundary Conditions (ABC) | MATHIAS - TOTAL Symposium on Mathematics | hal-00764202 | ||
94 |
non |
2012 |
sans actes |
Parallel optimization of a Discontinuous Galerkin method for seismic imaging simulation. Towards the Intel MIC acceleration. | HOSCAR - 2nd Brazil-French workshop on High performance cOmputing and SCientific dAta management dRiven by highly demanding applications (INRIA-CNPq) | hal-00764200 | ||
95 |
non |
2012 |
sans actes |
Absorbing Boundary Conditions for anisotropic elastodynamic media | Workshop DIP - Depth Imaging Partnership (INRIA-TOTAL) | hal-00764186 | ||
96 |
non |
2012 |
sans actes |
Optimized propagators for elastic waves in anisotropic (TTI) media Part 1: Absorbing Boundary Conditions (ABC) | Aquitaine-Euskadi Workshop on Applied Mathematics (INRIA-BCAM) | hal-00764206 | ||
97 |
non |
2012 |
sans actes |
Absorbing Boundary Conditions for anisotropic elastodynamic media | HOSCAR - 1st Brazil-French workshop on High performance cOmputing and SCientific dAta management dRiven by highly demanding applications (INRIA-CNPq) | hal-00764196 | ||
98 |
non |
2012 |
sans actes |
Absorbing Boundary Conditions for anisotropic elastodynamic media | ICOSAHOM - International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods | hal-00767597 | ||
99 |
non |
2012 |
sans actes |
High order time scheme for the first order wave equation using nabla-p scheme. Application to the Reverse Time Migration | Symposium MATHIAS 2012 | hal-00764222 | ||
100 |
non |
2012 |
sans actes |
On the solution of inverse obstacle elasto-acoustic scattering problems by a regularized Newton method | ECCOMAS 2012 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering | hal-00765547 | ||
101 |
non |
2012 |
sans actes |
On the solution of an inverse obstacle problem in fluid-solid interaction: connection with the direct scattering problem | Aquitanie-Euskadi Workshop on Applied Mathematics | hal-00764185 | ||
102 |
non |
2012 |
sans actes |
High Order Schemes and Local Time Stepping for Solving Elastodynamic Wave Equation in Strongly Heterogeneous Media. | First Russian-French Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics and Inverse Problems | hal-00764181 | ||
103 |
non |
2012 |
sans actes |
High Order Schemes For The First Order Wave Equation. Application to the Reverse Time Migration | Workshop DIP Total/Inria | hal-00764207 | ||
104 |
non |
2012 |
sans actes |
On the reconstruction of an elastic scatterer immersed in a homogeneous fluid | First Russian-French Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics and Inverse Problems | hal-00764176 | ||
105 |
non |
2011 |
sans actes |
Analysis of the Fréchet differentiability with Respect to Lipschitz Domains for an Elasto-Acoustic Scattering Problem | FACM11 - Eighth Annual Conference on Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics 2011 | hal-00768053 | ||
106 |
non |
2011 |
sans actes |
Complete factorization of the wave equation for the construction of absorbing boundary conditions involving a fractional derivative | 10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (Waves 2011) | hal-00768539 | ||
107 |
non |
2011 |
sans actes |
Hybrid local-time stepping strategy for the Reverse Time Migration | 10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (Waves 2011) | hal-00768541 | ||
108 |
non |
2011 |
sans actes |
Explicit hp-Adaptive Time Scheme for the Wave Equation | Domain Decomposition (DD20) | hal-00660048 | ||
109 |
non |
2010 |
sans actes |
Development and optimization of absorbing boundary conditions for acoustic wave problems in complex media | XIV Jacques-Louis Lions Spanish-French school on numerical simulation in physics and engineering | inria-00527250 | ||
110 |
non |
2010 |
sans actes |
Factorisation complète de l'équation des ondes pour la construction de conditions aux limites absorbantes | CANUM 2010, 40e Congrès National d'Analyse Numérique | inria-00527161 | ||
111 |
non |
2010 |
sans actes |
Schémas d'ordre élevé à pas de temps local pour la résolution de l'équation des ondes | Séminaire du Groupe de Modélisation Mathématiques Mécanique et Numérique (GM3N) | inria-00529641 |