
HALathon 2021 UPPA

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# Actes ? Date comm. Date publi. actes Titre Colloque Proceedings Lien éditeur / doi Notice HAL


2017 2017 Transition from marine deep slope deposits to evaporitic facies of an isolated shallow water hypersaline basin: case study of the Sivas foreland basin (Turkey) European Geosciences Union : EGU, Vienne, Autriche, Avril 2017 hal-01816734


2017 2017 Salt tectonics in the Sivas Basin (Turkey) - Outstanding seismic analogues 1st EAGE/ASGA Petroleum Exploration Workshop 2017: Challenges and Solutions for Deep Water Exploration in Angola hal-01803229


2017 2017 Evaporitic minibasins of the Sivas basin (Turkey) European Geosciences Union : EGU, Vienne, Autriche, Avril 2017 hal-01816738


2017 2017 Diagenesis of the Mesozoic carbonates of the northwestern Pyrenees: origin of dolomitization and brecciation International Meeting of Sedimentology 2017, 33rd IAS & 16th ASF joint meeting, Toulouse, France, Octobre 2017 hal-01815861


2017 2017 Syn-orogenic fluid flow in the Jaca basin (South Pyrenean Fold and Thrust Belt) from fracture and vein analyses. European Geosciences Union : EGU, Vienne, Autriche, Avril 2017 hal-01804358


2016 2016 Transition from marine deep slope deposits to evaporitic facies of an isolated shallow water hypersaline basin: case study of the Sivas foreland basin (Turkey). 25ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre : RST 2016, Caen, France, Oct 2016 hal-01816770


2016 2016 Detection and discrimination of complex thrust and salt tectonics structures using field data and RASAT images around the Emirhan region (Sivas, Turkey) [Emirhan (Sivas) Civarinda Karmasik Bindirme ve Tuz Tektonigi Yapilarinin Arazi Verileri ve RASAT Görüntüleriyle Ortaya Çikarilmasi ve Ayrimi] 2016 24th Signal Processing and Communication Application Conference, SIU 2016 - Proceedings 10.1109/SIU.2016.7496217 hal-01804376


2016 2016 A post-folding thermal imprint in the Chaînons Béarnais (North Pyrenean Zone) evidenced by two independent methods. European Geosciences Union : EGU, Vienne, Autriche, Avril 2016 hal-01815900


2016 2016 Active deformation of the northern front of the Eastern Great Caucasus EGU2016-15037 hal-01815888


2015 2015 Deposition and evolution of Sivas basin evaporites (Turkey) European Geosciences Union : EGU hal-01816776


2015 2015 Deposition and evolution of Sivas basin evaporites (Turkey) 15ème Congrès des sédimentologistes français : ASF hal-01816780


2015 2015 Orogenic front propagation in the basement involved Malargüe fold and thrust belt, Neuquén Basin, (Argentina) EGU General Assembly Conference hal-01803267


2015 2015 Multiscale tectonic analysis of the basement-involved Malargüe fold-and-thrust-belt, Northern Neuquén Basin, (Argentina) EGU General Assembly Conference hal-01803268


2015 2015 Case study of a flysch-evaporite transition in a foreland basin: the Sivas basin (Turkey) 15ème Congrès des sédimentologistes français : ASF, Chambéry, France, Octobre 2015 hal-01816775


2014 2014 Impact des evaporites sur la diagenèse des séries fluviatiles des mini-bassins salifères de Sivas (Turquie) 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre : RST 2014, Pau, France, Oct 2014 hal-01816788


2014 2014 Mise en place et évolution des évaporites du bassin de Sivas (Turquie) 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre : RST 2014, Pau, France, Oct 2014 hal-01816789


2014 2014 Diagenèse des séries continentales des mini-bassins de Sivas (Turquie) en contexte de tectonique salifère Journée diagenèse de l'ASF, Orsay, France, Juillet 2014 hal-01816786


2014 2014 3D Modelling in salt tectonics : the ''Crocodile'' mini-basin in Sivas (Turkey) 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre 2014 (RST2014), Pau, France, Oct 2014 hal-01804422


2014 2014 Late Pleistocene tectonic activity of the eastern border of the San Rafaël block (Neuquén Basin, Argentina) 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre hal-01803278


2014 2014 Microtectonic record of the strain pat- tern in the Malargüe fold and thrust belt using fractures analysis and ASM data 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre hal-01803272


2014 2014 Neogene and Quanternary evolution of the Neuquén foreland (Argentina) INGEPET hal-01815925


2014 2014 Geomorphology of the Northern Great Caucasus : investigating depth geometries from surface data 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre hal-01815926


2013 2013 Rôle de la sédimentation syn-cynematique sur l'évolution d'une structure plissée à deux niveaux de décollements : apport de la modélisation analogique 3D sur le cas Incahuasi 14 ème congrès français de sédimentologie insu-00913384



sans actes

What drives dolomitization? A mass transfer study across a replacement front European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 (EGU) hal-02392129



sans actes

Anatomy of a dolomitization front European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 (EGU) hal-02392140



sans actes

Multi-phase dolomitization combined with dyke-like breccias in a hyper-extended rift margin. Case study from Jurassic carbonates of the northern Pyrenees (France) 34th International Meeting of Sedimentology (IMS) hal-02899410



sans actes

Does paleogeography control dolomitization along an hyperextended passive margin? Case study from the Jurassic carbonates in the north Pyrenean foreland European Geosciences Union : EGU hal-02898191



sans actes

Le cône alluvial d’Oroel : marqueur de l’histoire tardi-orogenique sud-pyréneenne et de l’interaction tectono-sédimentaire courte longueur d’onde dans un bassin d’avant-pays (bassin de Jaca, Espagne) 17ème Congrès des sédimentologistes français : ASF hal-02899536



sans actes

Interaction tectono-sedimentaire du système alluvial Orosia-Cancias dans l’avant-pays sud-pyréneen (Bassin de Jaca, Espagne) 17ème Congrès des sédimentologistes français : ASF hal-02899543



sans actes

Processus de dolomitisation et de bréchification des carbonates jurassiques des chaînons béarnais (Pyrénées) 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre : RST 2018 hal-02899567



sans actes

Characterizating a fossilized, contractionally-rejuvenated salt province: A case study in the Chainons Béarnais (North Pyrenean Zone) European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 (EGU) hal-02899487



sans actes

An exceptional trishear-like outcrop of fault propagation fold in the Jaca Basin 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre : RST 2018 hal-02899572



sans actes

Damage induced by precipitation in saturated porous limestone Cryspom VI hal-02116148



sans actes

Evaporitic minibasins of the Sivas basin (Turkey) International Meeting of Sedimentology 2017, 33rd IAS & 16th ASF joint meeting hal-02899510



sans actes

Transition from marine deep slope deposits to evaporitic facies of an isolated shallow water hypersaline basin International Meeting of Sedimentology 2017, 33rd IAS & 16th ASF joint meeting hal-02899518



sans actes

3D modelling in salt tectonic context : the Crocodile minibasin in Sivas (Turkey) EGU General Assembly 2015 hal-01615463



sans actes

Quantitative monitoring of the coseismic seismoelectric field relatively to salinity and saturation variation AGU Fall Meeting hal-01165146



sans actes

Quantitative measurements of coseismic seismoelectric fields for varying salinity and water content Réunion des Sciences de la Terre hal-01224790



sans actes

3D Modelling in salt tectonics : the "Crocodile" mini-basin in Sivas (Turkey) 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre 2014 (RST2014) hal-01615513



sans actes

Quantitative measurements of coseismic seismoelectric fields for varying salinity and water content Réunion des Sciences de la Terre hal-02011715



sans actes

Development of triangle zone in frontal part of orogens: Insights from analogue modelling Thrust Belts and Foreland Basins, SGF-SGE hal-00115284

Références complètes

  1. Hannelore Derluyn, Stephen Centrella, Nicolas Beaudoin, Pierre Lanari, Geoffrey Motte, et al.. What drives dolomitization? A mass transfer study across a replacement front. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 (EGU), Apr 2019, Vienna, Austria. pp.7396. ⟨hal-02392129⟩
  2. Stephen Centrella, Nicolas Beaudoin, Hannelore Derluyn, Geoffrey Motte, Pascale Sénéchal, et al.. Anatomy of a dolomitization front. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 (EGU), Apr 2019, Vienna, Austria. pp.7826. ⟨hal-02392140⟩
  3. Geoffrey Motte, Guilhem Hoareau, Gaucher Eric, Jean-Paul Callot, Sidonie Revillon. Multi-phase dolomitization combined with dyke-like breccias in a hyper-extended rift margin. Case study from Jurassic carbonates of the northern Pyrenees (France). 34th International Meeting of Sedimentology (IMS), Sep 2019, Rome, Italy. ⟨hal-02899410⟩
  4. Geoffrey Motte, Guilhem Hoareau, Jean-Paul Callot, Gaucher Eric, Sidonie Révillon. Does paleogeography control dolomitization along an hyperextended passive margin? Case study from the Jurassic carbonates in the north Pyrenean foreland. European Geosciences Union : EGU, Apr 2019, Vienne, Austria. ⟨hal-02898191⟩
  5. Pierre-Alexandre Grignard, Cédric Bonnel, Guilhem Hoareau, Charles Aubourg, Jean-Paul Callot. Le cône alluvial d’Oroel : marqueur de l’histoire tardi-orogenique sud-pyréneenne et de l’interaction tectono-sédimentaire courte longueur d’onde dans un bassin d’avant-pays (bassin de Jaca, Espagne). 17ème Congrès des sédimentologistes français : ASF, Oct 2019, Beauvais, France. ⟨hal-02899536⟩
  6. Pierre-Alexandre Grignard, Cédric Bonnel, Guilhem Hoareau, Charles Aubourg, Jean-Paul Callot. Interaction tectono-sedimentaire du système alluvial Orosia-Cancias dans l’avant-pays sud-pyréneen (Bassin de Jaca, Espagne). 17ème Congrès des sédimentologistes français : ASF, Oct 2019, Beauvais, France. ⟨hal-02899543⟩
  7. Geoffrey Motte, Guilhem Hoareau, Gaucher Eric, Jean-Paul Callot. Processus de dolomitisation et de bréchification des carbonates jurassiques des chaînons béarnais (Pyrénées). 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre : RST 2018, Oct 2018, Lille, France. ⟨hal-02899567⟩
  8. Esther Izquierdo-Llavall, Armel Menant, Charles Aubourg, Jean-Paul Callot, Guilhem Hoareau. Characterizating a fossilized, contractionally-rejuvenated salt province: A case study in the Chainons Béarnais (North Pyrenean Zone). European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 (EGU), Apr 2018, Vienne, Austria. ⟨hal-02899487⟩
  9. Charles Aubourg, Tiphaine Boiron, Pierre-Alexandre Grignard, Guilhem Hoareau, Jean-Paul Callot. An exceptional trishear-like outcrop of fault propagation fold in the Jaca Basin. 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre : RST 2018, Oct 2018, Lille, France. ⟨hal-02899572⟩
  10. B. Leclère, Hannelore Derluyn, Guilhem Hoareau, Joseph Diaz, S. Calassou, et al.. Damage induced by precipitation in saturated porous limestone. Cryspom VI, Sep 2018, Hamburg, Germany. pp.31. ⟨hal-02116148⟩
  11. Alexandre Pichat, Guilhem Hoareau, Jean-Paul Callot, Jean-Claude Ringenbach. Evaporitic minibasins of the Sivas basin (Turkey). International Meeting of Sedimentology 2017, 33rd IAS & 16th ASF joint meeting, Oct 2017, Toulouse, France. ⟨hal-02899510⟩
  12. A. Pichat, Guilhem Hoareau, E. Legeay, M. Lopez, Cédric Bonnel, et al.. Transition from marine deep slope deposits to evaporitic facies of an isolated shallow water hypersaline basin: case study of the Sivas foreland basin (Turkey). European Geosciences Union : EGU, Vienne, Autriche, Avril 2017, 2017, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01816734⟩
  13. Jean-Paul Callot, J.C. Ringenbach. Salt tectonics in the Sivas Basin (Turkey) - Outstanding seismic analogues. 1st EAGE/ASGA Petroleum Exploration Workshop 2017: Challenges and Solutions for Deep Water Exploration in Angola, 2017, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.8-9. ⟨hal-01803229⟩
  14. A. Pichat, Guilhem Hoareau, Jean-Paul Callot, J.-C. Ringenbach. Evaporitic minibasins of the Sivas basin (Turkey). European Geosciences Union : EGU, Vienne, Autriche, Avril 2017, 2017, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01816738⟩
  15. G. Motte, Guilhem Hoareau, E. Gaucher, Jean-Paul Callot, Y. Nicol, et al.. Diagenesis of the Mesozoic carbonates of the northwestern Pyrenees: origin of dolomitization and brecciation. International Meeting of Sedimentology 2017, 33rd IAS & 16th ASF joint meeting, Toulouse, France, Octobre 2017, 2017, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01815861⟩
  16. N. Crognier, Guilhem Hoareau, Charles Aubourg, M. Dubois, B. Lacroix, et al.. Syn-orogenic fluid flow in the Jaca basin (South Pyrenean Fold and Thrust Belt) from fracture and vein analyses.. European Geosciences Union : EGU, Vienne, Autriche, Avril 2017, 2017, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01804358⟩
  17. Alexandre Pichat, Guilhem Hoareau, Etienne Legeay, Michel Lopez, Cédric Bonnel, et al.. Transition from marine deep slope deposits to evaporitic facies of an isolated shallow water hypersaline basin. International Meeting of Sedimentology 2017, 33rd IAS & 16th ASF joint meeting, Oct 2017, Toulouse, France. ⟨hal-02899518⟩
  18. A. Pichat, Guilhem Hoareau, E. Legeay, M. Lopez, Cédric Bonnel, et al.. Transition from marine deep slope deposits to evaporitic facies of an isolated shallow water hypersaline basin: case study of the Sivas foreland basin (Turkey).. 25ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre : RST 2016, Caen, France, Oct 2016, 2016, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01816770⟩
  19. S.B. Cicekliyurt, K.S. Kavak, Jean-Paul Callot, J.-C. Ringenbach. Detection and discrimination of complex thrust and salt tectonics structures using field data and RASAT images around the Emirhan region (Sivas, Turkey) [Emirhan (Sivas) Civarinda Karmasik Bindirme ve Tuz Tektonigi Yapilarinin Arazi Verileri ve RASAT Görüntüleriyle Ortaya Çikarilmasi ve Ayrimi]. 2016 24th Signal Processing and Communication Application Conference, SIU 2016 - Proceedings, 2016, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.2225-2228, ⟨10.1109/SIU.2016.7496217⟩. ⟨hal-01804376⟩
  20. A. Menant, Charles Aubourg, Jean-Paul Callot, Guilhem Hoareau, J.-B. Cuyala, et al.. A post-folding thermal imprint in the Chaînons Béarnais (North Pyrenean Zone) evidenced by two independent methods.. European Geosciences Union : EGU, Vienne, Autriche, Avril 2016, 2016, Vienne, Austria. ⟨hal-01815900⟩
  21. B. Niviere, L. Gagala, Jean-Paul Callot, V. Regard, J.-C. Ringenbach. Active deformation of the northern front of the Eastern Great Caucasus. EGU2016-15037, 2016, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01815888⟩
  22. A. Pichat, Guilhem Hoareau, J.-M. Rouchy, C. Ribes, C. Kergaravat, et al.. Deposition and evolution of Sivas basin evaporites (Turkey). European Geosciences Union : EGU, Apr 2015, Vienne, Austria. ⟨hal-01816776⟩
  23. A. Pichat, Guilhem Hoareau, J.-M. Rouchy, C. Ribes, C. Kergaravat, et al.. Deposition and evolution of Sivas basin evaporites (Turkey). 15ème Congrès des sédimentologistes français : ASF, 2015, Chambéry, France. ⟨hal-01816780⟩
  24. M. Branellec, Jean-Paul Callot, B. Nivière, Charles Aubourg. Orogenic front propagation in the basement involved Malargüe fold and thrust belt, Neuquén Basin, (Argentina). EGU General Assembly Conference, 2015, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01803267⟩
  25. M. Branellec, Jean-Paul Callot, B. Nivière, Charles Aubourg. Multiscale tectonic analysis of the basement-involved Malargüe fold-and-thrust-belt, Northern Neuquén Basin, (Argentina). EGU General Assembly Conference, 2015, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01803268⟩
  26. A. Pichat, Guilhem Hoareau, E. Legeay, M. Lopez, Cédric Bonnel, et al.. Case study of a flysch-evaporite transition in a foreland basin: the Sivas basin (Turkey). 15ème Congrès des sédimentologistes français : ASF, Chambéry, France, Octobre 2015, 2015, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01816775⟩
  27. Pauline Collon, Alexandre Pichat, Charlie Kergaravat, Arnaud Botella, Guillaume Caumon, et al.. 3D modelling in salt tectonic context : the Crocodile minibasin in Sivas (Turkey). EGU General Assembly 2015, Apr 2015, Vienna, Austria. ⟨hal-01615463⟩
  28. A. Pichat, Guilhem Hoareau, J.-M. Rouchy, C. Ribes, C. Kergaravat, et al.. Impact des evaporites sur la diagenèse des séries fluviatiles des mini-bassins salifères de Sivas (Turquie). 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre : RST 2014, Pau, France, Oct 2014, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01816788⟩
  29. A. Pichat, Guilhem Hoareau, J.-M. Rouchy, C. Ribes, C. Kergaravat, et al.. Mise en place et évolution des évaporites du bassin de Sivas (Turquie). 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre : RST 2014, Pau, France, Oct 2014, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01816789⟩
  30. A. Pichat, Guilhem Hoareau, J.-M. Rouchy, C. Ribes, C. Kergaravat, et al.. Diagenèse des séries continentales des mini-bassins de Sivas (Turquie) en contexte de tectonique salifère. Journée diagenèse de l'ASF, Orsay, France, Juillet 2014, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01816786⟩
  31. Pauline Collon-Drouaillet, A. Pichat, Océane Favreau, Gaétan Fuss, Gabriel Godefroy, et al.. 3D Modelling in salt tectonics : the ''Crocodile'' mini-basin in Sivas (Turkey). 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre 2014 (RST2014), Pau, France, Oct 2014, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01804422⟩
  32. M. Branellec, G. Messager, B. Nivière, V. Regard, Jean-Paul Callot, et al.. Late Pleistocene tectonic activity of the eastern border of the San Rafaël block (Neuquén Basin, Argentina). 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01803278⟩
  33. M. Branellec, Jean-Paul Callot, Charles Aubourg, B. Nivière, J.-C. Ringenbach. Microtectonic record of the strain pat- tern in the Malargüe fold and thrust belt using fractures analysis and ASM data. 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01803272⟩
  34. B. Nivière, Cédric Bonnel, Damien Huyghe, Charles Aubourg, Jean-Paul Callot, et al.. Neogene and Quanternary evolution of the Neuquén foreland (Argentina). INGEPET, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01815925⟩
  35. Julia Holzhauer, Clarisse Bordes, Daniel Brito, Bertrand Guatarbes, Jean-Paul Callot. Quantitative monitoring of the coseismic seismoelectric field relatively to salinity and saturation variation. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2014, San Francisco, United States. ⟨hal-01165146⟩
  36. J Holzhauer, Clarisse Bordes, Daniel Brito, Bertrand Guatarbes, Jean-Paul Callot. Quantitative measurements of coseismic seismoelectric fields for varying salinity and water content. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Oct 2014, Pau, France. ⟨hal-01224790⟩
  37. Pauline Collon-Drouaillet, Alexandre Pichat, Océane Favreau, Gaétan Fuss, Gabriel Godefroy, et al.. 3D Modelling in salt tectonics : the "Crocodile" mini-basin in Sivas (Turkey). 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre 2014 (RST2014), Oct 2014, Pau, France. ⟨hal-01615513⟩
  38. J Holzhauer, Clarisse Bordes, Daniel Brito, Bertrand Guatarbes, Jean-Paul Callot. Quantitative measurements of coseismic seismoelectric fields for varying salinity and water content. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Oct 2014, Pau, France. ⟨hal-02011715⟩
  39. B. Niviere, Jean-Paul Callot, J.-C. Ringenbach, L. Gagala, V. Regard. Geomorphology of the Northern Great Caucasus : investigating depth geometries from surface data. 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region. ⟨hal-01815926⟩
  40. Romain Darnault, Jean-Marc Daniel, Jean-Paul Callot, Jean-François Ballard, Thierry Nalpas, et al.. Rôle de la sédimentation syn-cynematique sur l'évolution d'une structure plissée à deux niveaux de décollements : apport de la modélisation analogique 3D sur le cas Incahuasi. 14 ème congrès français de sédimentologie, Nov 2013, Paris, France. pp.106. ⟨insu-00913384⟩
  41. Thierry Nalpas, R. Grelaud, Jean-Paul Callot, J. Verges. Development of triangle zone in frontal part of orogens: Insights from analogue modelling. Thrust Belts and Foreland Basins, SGF-SGE, 2005, Rueil-Malmaison, France. ⟨hal-00115284⟩